God Winks


It’s been one week since I purchased The Bungalow and, today, I discovered two books have been left in this historic house by the previous owner (or, perhaps, a guest).

One is Basic Black, by Cathie Black, about her work at the Hearst Corporation (a former employer of mine). The other is Eats, Shoots and Leaves, by Lynn Truss. This book is, subtitled, "the zero tolerance guide to punctuation,” and it truly is.

As a longtime newspaper and magazine editor and publisher, I couldn’t have been more surprised (and delighted) to find these particular books.

You see, I already own a copy of each of these books. Each was purchased years ago, and each still takes up space in a bookcase in my office in Houston.


When I first saw The Bungalow, I knew it was perfect for me, that I was supposed to buy it. And, in a most serendipitous way, the evidence seems to be piling up. 

Also, today, my son, Matt, found an original poem in the house, written in 2015, by a young woman who had stayed here as a guest. The poem is about The Bungalow and the simple life she enjoyed here. As unlikely as it could be, Matt thought he recognized the handwriting and signature of the writer of this poem. And, with one phone call, it was confirmed. The poem was written by the daughter of a friend of ours.

I am keeping the extra copies of those two books,, and I have framed that treasured poem! If you come to visit me, I’ll show them to you!

God Winks? Yes, I believe in them and, always, pay special attention to the messages I receive through them.